Current exchange rate in UAE : 1 AED = 4,703 CZK
If you are going to change money in UAE ( it's good to have either dollars or euros) , best for you it's gonna be at the airport, there's always very good exchange rate or go to the private exchange offices in large cities ( Abu Dhabi, Dubai)
The possibility to exchange money is also in hotel's exchange offices, but here you should expect a worse exchange rates.
Otherwise basically everywhere you can pay with all commonly used credit cards.
What concerns about price levels , there is very good to buy electronic goods,which is at the top quality, and some innovations are not yet available in Europe.
For example luxury cars you get to buy here for the three quarters of a price compared to Europe. This is because there's a plenty of luxury cars in UAE and gasoline is very cheap here(about CZK 6 per liter),so the operation of the car can afford everybody with average earnings.