Ramadan in UAE

Sinimar  /  News  /  Ramadan in UAE
Published: 10.07.2013

The Holy Ramadan is one of the most important times in islamic calendar and it recalls believers the revelation of the Qur'an.

Duration of Ramadan: 10.7.- 9.8.2013  (1 month a 1 day)

Ramadan is very significant month of islamic calendar and in Dubai this period of time is associated with many related activities which are mostly focusing on spiritual aspects of this event. Ramadan was deceived by prophet Muhammad in Medina 624 AD.

Ramadan is the 9th month of islamic calendar. Believer are required to fast throughout the day which means from the sunrise to sunset. They shouldn't eat, drink, smoke and they also should be careful on their behaviour. They cannot argue, slander etc. and they must perform as many as possible good deeds. This is helps good muslim to stregthen his physical and mental endurance as well as it strengthens the relationship with God - Allah.

For tourists are also required few limitations which should be hold in decency and respect such as not eat or drink at public (this doesn't apply at hotels and private places). It is also inappropriate to dress provocatively, chew chewing gums in public, smoke in public etc. Alcohol is usualy served at hotels after sunset. During Ramadan is allowed only soft music, so no disco or live music during Ramadan. Also kids above 10 years old fast during Ramadan, the only exceptions are: old and sich people, pregnant women, breast-feeding women and hard working muslims.

Working hours are also changed to adjust to slower rhythm of life, so believers may relax more. At nigh the city becomes alive and on the other hand is very busy. Opening hours of shopping malls, restaurants and other famous centers are extended.